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Project Scope: Graphic Design, Logo and Brand Identity Design, Copywriting

CodHer is a women’s only hackathon conducted by the ACM Student Chapter of College of Engineering, Anna University, Guindy. The aim of this event is to motivate and empower women developers in the university to actively participate in a plethora of hackathons and compete with each other in order to up their game to the next level.


The brief was to develop a brand identity for the event which would clearly place emphasis on the twin pillars of the event: coding and women.


The brand identity of “CodHer” was created comprising a signature logo, colour palette, typography and marketing collateral, along with participant goodies such as stickers and T-Shirts.


ACM-CEG: Student Chapter

Results & Impact

The brand new identity for CodHer appealed to the audience and saw a rise in the number of registrations, with over 50 participants enrolling for the event despite the increasing worries about the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Research & Planning

Initial studies on various brand identities of events and companies revolving around coding and women respectively served as the basis for experimenting with the logo and colour palette.

Mood Board - Coding Logos.jpg


Process Bubble Diagram.jpg

Initial studies on various brand identities of events and companies revolving around coding and women respectively served as the basis for experimenting with the logo and colour palette.

Final Visuals

PF - CodHer - Page 3 - Logo Concept.jpg

The colour palette comprised the binary representation of black and white colours, balanced with a dash of feminine pink contrasting boldly with the binary colours in order to symbolically represent women empowerment.

Selection of relevant typefaces, thick and vivid by weight with a geometric aesthetic abided by the rule of amalgamating the bold imagery of women empowerment and coding. The fitting pieces of the puzzle, Archivo Black and Russo One were used as the primary and secondary fonts respectively.

Marketing collateral abiding by the colour palette reached out far and wide to the audience to announce and promote the event.

Catchy one-liners portraying women as super(s)heroes in coding and the depiction of triumphant women in the field of technology served as the basis for the promotional posters.

PF - CodHer - Page 9 - Campaign Posters Mockup.jpg

Laptop stickers and T-shirts were designed as well to be handed out to the participants as complimentary goodies.

A certificate of appreciation as proof of their participation in the event was also designed.

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