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WhatsApp Cover.jpg


Project Scope: Graphic Design, Marketing Communications, Brand Management

WhatsApp, a popular messaging platform advocates secure messaging between users providing no scope for an invasion of privacy. Their campaign of “#MessagePrivatelyWithWhatsApp” aims at driving home their USP further by prominently depicting their “end-to-end encryption” privacy feature.


The brief was to design a social media campaign infused with a myriad of different ideas and scenarios with everything pointing towards the inability of a third person to spy on a third-party conversation in WhatsApp.


The campaign comprised 4 different social media posts – 3 carousels and 1 standalone graphic, having incorporated the homogenous messaging of “MessagePrivatelyWithWhatsApp”.

Services & Credit

Lead Designer: Sai Sudharshan Raja

Content Strategy: Dolly John, Ayesha John Kelshikar, Ashmeet Narang


Research & Planning

Design campaigns explicitly focusing on secret conversations on messaging platforms were explored in order to approach the campaign from a generalized lens, since the usage of WhatsApp’s branding by depicting their UI and any relevant elements was prohibited.

Mood Board - WhatsApp.jpg

An approach centred around people in a realistic setting served as the premise of our designs, with the idea being derived from WhatsApp’s own social media page.


Numerous scenarios involving people exchanging sensitive information were ideated to serve as the essence of the designs.

4 distinct ideas were shortlisted to effectively convey the message of this campaign.

Final Visuals

Post 1

Post 1 - Spread Version.jpg

WhatsApp enables the sharing of sensitive information between two people in real life through their presence in a virtual space. This idea is highlighted by brightening their presence with a barrier engulfing them, which prevents a third person from invading their space.

Post 2

02 - Banner.jpg

Why does she look flustered? Has she received any shocking news about someone she knows? There’s no way in which one can find out despite their attempts to do so, since WhatsApp encrypts conversations to a third person viewing the same, where all they can see is Greek and Latin.

Post 3

Post 3 - Banner.jpg

It is culturally proven that Indian students are often snooped around by their relatives who love uncovering their exam results in order to gossip about the same. The sharing of results through WhatsApp ensures confidentiality between the student and the university and breaks the usual practice of the same being available on a public domain, thereby making the results inaccessible to the vile gossipmongers. The relatable Indian humour stacked with the comic layout enhances the hilarity of the post.

Post 4

Post 4 - Banner.jpg

One cannot view the spoilers of a story which has been exchanged between a couple, obviously owing to the fact that it was exchanged over WhatsApp and not published on a public domain. The illustrated approach breaks from the monotony of realistic graphics and sticks to corporate Memphis, which still abides by the guidelines, serving as an acceptable form of visual trend.

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